Helping everyone build credit
Helping everyone build credit
Creative direction: Drew Lyon
Project manager Jessica McDaniel
Content strategist: Jessica McDaniel
Lead designer: Marcin Dmoch
What We Did
We were really excited to work with a company that helps people build credit and improve scores without racking up debt. The challenge, however, was making a website that would explain Credit Strong’s approach to an audience that may be skeptical based on bad experiences with nefarious or elitist credit agencies. It was on us to make the site feel open and approachable to all visitors, just like the service.
Based on analytics insights and audience research, we knew mobile users would be the priority on this project. When this is the case, we take what we call a unified approach to design. We design desktop and mobile at the same time. For Credit Strong, you can see how this approach led to a more streamlined grid (i.e. fewer columns). Sections that could’ve been over-designed were simplified to make them more responsive. It’s not about sacrifice, it’s about less is more.
Credit scores are complicated. There’s no getting around that, but there is a responsibility of anyone in the credit business to educate their customers. Credit Strong came prepared with a robust library of resources to help people understand what moves the needle—and what doesn’t. We always knew this would be an important part of the website, so we gave ‘Credit Basics’ its own landing page. Additionally, FAQs live in the primary navigation for anytime access.